Hello friends. I realize I haven't written anything in quite some time, mostly because nothing exciting was really going on in my life. A few birdies have told me that my fans have been missing my writing, so I am going to try and make a come back of sorts.
I've realized that I never provided an update on Bachelor #26, who I went out with back in September- against my better judgement. Well that fucker never called me again after our second "first" date, even though he said he wanted to see me again! I honestly don't know why guys constantly pull this shit, but it is annoying as hell. I'm sure there are plenty of women out there too who do this, but for the most part I think it's built into the DNA of men.
The lesson that I have learned from that experience is this: Once the shit is flushed down the toilet just let it go. I hereby vow once and for all NEVER to give second changes to pieces of shit that waste my time. Leave them in the sewers ladies to rot in their own stink!