Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bachelor #32- The Ukranian with no Empathy Toward the Morbidly Obese

Bachelor #32 was soooooooooo boring! Good lord! He was cute in his pictures but had the personality of sandpaper.

He was born in the Ukraine and came here when he was 10. He still had a very thick accent and was hard to understand. We met up for dinner and immediately trying to get him to talk was like trying to get Joan Rivers to stop fucking with her face.

It's never a good sign on a first date when you immediately find your waiter more interesting than your date. Bachelor #32 had nothing to say, so I just began talking about literally anything that came to my mind. The first things that came to my mind were my favorite bizarre TV shows, including My 600 Pound Life and My Strange Obsession- both on TLC. I had asked him if he ever watched those shows, clearly he didn't. I started telling him that My 600 Pound Life follows the weight loss journey of the morbidly obese. His response (in a thick accent) was "I don't feel bad for them, it's not a disease. It's called eating a carrot." Yikes! #Hater

After he said that I immediately regretted ordering that bowl of delicious pasta for my dinner. I don't remember what we talked about after, mostly because I wasn't listening and I was too busy thinking about the hot waiter and guzzling my wine.

After dinner he gave me a kiss on the cheek, but it lingered far too long. Fortunately the valet brought my car in time for me to escape before he could try and get to my mouth. Yuck!

Note to self- avoid Eastern Europeans, especially during this Russian/Ukraine show down going on.