I think it might be time to move on to a different dating site. Why you ask? Well, I think I've reached a point where I am corresponding with guys I met several years ago. Here's a story...
I was perusing Match the other night and came upon a profile of a guy my age in Toluca Lake. He's decent looking (no Ryan Gosling though) and he's a helicopter photographer. I thought he seemed interesting enough so I "winked" at him. Well he sent me an email and said,
"Hey there, I may be wrong, so forgive me if I am, I think we met up (via match) like 6 years ago? Hopefully that doesn't scare you away! lol."
I vaguely vaguely vaguely recall his profile if memory serves me correctly, but I honestly cannot remember meeting this guy in person! 6 years ago I was 24 and I had just moved out of my parents house. I remember I was on Match and I met my then boyfriend, Craig- the boring guy from Michigan. But I really don't remember meeting this Recycled Bachelor. If I did meet him it must not have been that exciting, because I have a pretty damn good memory.
So now I am very hesistant to continue chatting with him, because there was obviously a reason it didn't go anywhere (if we in fact did go out). How sad that I've reached a point where I am now meeting guys from 6 years ago! Whoa is me! I need a fresh new dating pool to fish in.