Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bachelor #35- The Wannabe Director

I went out with Bachelor #35 for the sake of just going out. I NEVER date guys in the "movie" industry. This includes wannabe directors, producers, writers, actors, etc. But I went out with this guy because I was just trying to get my mind off of Bachelor #34. During this date I was going through a period in which I couldn't hear out of my left ear. My eustachian tube in my ear was plugged due to pressure, so I was literally deaf in my left ear for a few weeks (fortunately one of my best friends is a chiropractor and kept adjusting me until my ear popped which felt better than an orgasm).

Of course during my deafness we decide to meet up at a bar. I told him up front that I was having hearing issues and I apologized for saying "huh?" every two seconds. It was ok though. We talked, had a drink... he mentioned he had gotten a DUI which is always a red flag for me. So he didn't drink more than a beer.

After our first bar he was like "my friend is having a birthday party at this brewery in downtown LA do you want to go?" I said sure because I had nothing better to do, he was cute enough, although short, and I didn't feel like going home yet. So we met up with some of his friends, we had a beer, played a few rounds of Jenga and had a good time. I always enjoy meeting strangers so it wasn't awkward for me.

What was awkward was at the end of the night when he was like "well I had fun, do you want to do this again?" and I said the obligatory "sure" when in actuality we both knew we would never see each other again.

I should've stuck to my rule in which I don't date men in the "movie" business because they are all lame. He directed a movie, I saw the trailer, and it was a piece of shit. The end.