The first date I had with Bachelor #37 was probably the most awkward date I've ever had in my entire life, yet I saw him again anyway.
I met this one on Match, and I think we had emailed a few times a year ago but we never went out for whatever reason. So we started chatting again and right off the bat he wanted to skip the bullshit and just talk on the phone- which was fine with me. During our first phone conversation he said "Can we just cut through the bull shit and be real?" and I was immediately sold. I liked his bluntness because he seemed like he just genuinely wanted to get to know me and not deal with all the fake getting to know you shit.
On our first date we met up at my favorite local dive bar, which in hindsight was a bad choice because there was a really loud/bad band playing that night so it was hard to talk. But I got really shy when he got there, he was kind of intimidating- which is weird because it's very hard to intimidate ME. He even called me out on being quieter in person than on the phone.
After a few drinks we decided to go elsewhere because it was too damn loud. He asked me where I wanted to go, I joked and said Page 71 (which is like a mini dance club) and he said ok let's go. I was like no I'm just kidding, he said no no let's go. So we went, it was 20x louder than the previous bar- but at least the music was popp'n, but again not conducive to talking.
So we bailed on that place, I thought we were done for the night but he STILL wanted to hang out more, which surprised me because I didn't really think he had liked me. So we went and got some late night food and hung out longer. The night ended up being salvaged by the most amazing grilled cheese sandwich that I ever consumed in my entire life.
We went out several more times, but ultimately we were not compatible. 1) He was more into his little dog than me, 2) He was a TOTAL early bird and I love sleeping in, 3) He snored like a fucking lumber jack and I just can't deal with that, 4) He HATED Disneyland!! Who fucking hates the happiest place on earth???? That was a total deal breaker considering I have an annual pass and it is my favorite place ever. He said Disneyland embodied the mediocrity of America, I said "So you think I'm mediocre?"
I also hated that he was slow as shit to ask me out even after several dates. Like what the hell are you waiting for?? He made me feel like he didn't really want to date me, but then he'd send mixed messages by saying it's been to long since we saw each other and we needed to hang out soon. Ummmm so then plan a date mother fucker. I immediately pulled the plug when I met Bachelor #38.