Bachelor #14 was dry as dirt and seemed like a snob to top it off. We met up at a coffee shop, and I think I mentioned this before, but I HATE coffee dates! It only lasted an hour, but it truly felt like the longest hour of my life. He was a good looking guy, half Pacific Islander and half white (my sister kept telling me to date an Asian guy, this was my first attempt), he was 31, lived in Pasadena, worked as an engineer, and volunteered as a tutor for homeless kids- all good things (on paper).
Getting this guy to talk was like pulling teeth! I wish I had counted the number of long, awkward silences there were. I think we mostly talked about him, I can't really remember because I just kept looking at the clock and I was zoning out. He gave off a snobbish vibe though, so I immediately knew I'd never see him again. I could tell he was a snob because I mentioned that my parents like Dennys and they used to go every Friday night, and he was like "eww who goes to Dennys?" Well that was it, nobody insults my parents taste in crappy restaurants!
That's the end of this story. Sorry this one wasn't very exciting either. As a heads up, the next one is boring too.