Monday, March 11, 2013

Bachelor #17- The Radio News Anchor

Bachelor #17 was my first dip in the "entertainment world." Ok not so much entertainment, but it's as close as I'm going to get most likely. He was a radio news anchor for a talk radio station. Me, being a huge talk radio nerd, was super excited by this and knew for sure my mom would approve.

On paper Bachelor #17 and I seemed like a great match. We had tons in common and we had great chemistry when we emailed and texted back and forth. We both had a passion for travel- I took a Contiki tour to Europe last summer and this May he was taking a Contiki tour to Europe as well. He had lived in Las Vegas, very close to where my family lives currently. He was from Missouri and was a nice Midwestern guy. We both enjoyed exercising and staying active.

One night in between commercial breaks he and I were texting back and forth. It was funny listening to him on the radio and hearing the commercial break and then getting a text from him. He asked me out for a drink and I was really excited. I thought "Don't fuck this up, he has potential!"

I knew the dating gods weren't on my side, however, and the match was not destined to work out. The bar we were supposed to meet up at was closed for a private party. I had gotten my hair blown out and as I was walking to our new bar it started to rain and ruined my hair. I was determined to just go with the flow though. So we went to Laurel Tavern, and although it was insanely busy, we were lucky to get a table. We talked a lot about his work and how he got into the talk radio field; however, he didn't really ask about me or my career, which I thought was odd. I also got this weird vibe from him. I am a pretty intuitive person, so I think it was my gut telling me that this wasn't going to work out. I just kept thinking maybe he was putting off a nervous or shy vibe, but it felt different than nerves. Another odd thing was that we only stayed for 1 drink which lasted about 1 hour. He asked if I wanted to go walk around and maybe find another bar. We went outside and he grabbed my hand, which I thought was odd considering I had felt like a weird vibe from him, but I went along with it. We were walking toward another bar and he stopped and said he was tired since he had been working the overnight shift and he asked if I wanted to go for a hike the next day. In my mind I was thinking
"Don't come across as overly available" but I agreed to a hike anyway. I wanted to see if I still felt that weird vibe the next day. He leaned in to give me a kiss good night and I automatically turned my head and gave him the cheek. Sorry but you don't get a kiss after an hour long date.

The next morning he picked me up and we went for a hike near my place. I did my best to keep the conversation going but there were a lot of silences, and I still felt that weird vibe. After the hike he dropped me off and all I could think was "Please don't try and kiss me again." It was Super Bowl Sunday so I wished him a happy party and bid him adieu. I never heard from him again, which was fine because, despite all of the things we had in common, and the chemistry I thought we had via email and text, in person there was just no chemistry at all. It's amazing how that can happen. Lesson learned- you can't force chemistry.