I'm not really sure what happened to Bachelor #15, he just sort of disappeared.
Our first date we met up for drinks at this little dive bar near me. It was a fun time. We talked a lot and laughed a lot, and I thought it went well. He was 31, lived in Burbank but had gone to school in San Diego (originally from Texas though, and born in Germany because his parents were in the airforce), also worked in post-production, and had a crazy work schedule.
There was a long lag time between our next date because he was on vacay in Hawaii, but he said right after he got back he wanted to go out for sushi. Well he came back, and true to his word he asked me out for sushi. We had a pleasant time again. Good conversation and lots of laughs. After dinner he walked me to my car, gave me a hug good night, and said he'd give me a call. Well he never called.
Now I don't care too much that he didn't call, because he didn't knock my socks off or anything. But it's really the principal of it all. Why bother to say you're going to call when you really have no intention of doing so? Just say good night and leave it at that. There's no need to throw in the "I'll call you" card, it just makes me hate you later on. So ladies, when a guy says he's going to call just remember that 99% of the time he is full of shit, and don't bother checking for missed calls.