Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bachelor #16- The Young'n

I call Bachelor #16 The Young'n because he was only 25 (5 years younger than me). I know that doesn't sound incredibly young, but maturity wise it is. I met this one at a bar, always a horrible idea I am quickly learning.

I was having a girls night with my best friends and we were sitting near these guys at the bar in NoHo. The Young'n was looking pretty cute in his blazer, and there was no part of me that thought he was under 30. He was 6'4", blonde hair, blue eyes, and he kind of reminded me of the male lead singer from Lady Antebellum. Of course one of my friends, who is a great wingwoman, got the conversation started by asking about one of the guy's t-shirts (it said I heart and then Kurt Russel's face). So then The Young'n introduced himself and his friend and we started talking. Found out he's from Victorville (yikes!) and I congratulated on his escape from that dump. He was also in a band and lived nearby. He was really charming, funny, and he bought me a drink. We talked for quite some time and eventually he got my number. I never expected to hear from him because a) he was 25 and b) we met at a bar.

A few days later, much to my surprise, he actually asked me out for a drink. Despite my better judgement I figured "What the hell!," and we met up. Again we had a nice time and talked a lot, and I found myself smitten. I kept telling myself though "Self, don't get caught up, he's a baby and this isn't going anywhere."

A few more days later he asked me out to a movie. Again I was surprised because he was asking me out more than any of the other bachelors I had met on Match. We ended up seeing Django Unchained (great movie) and it was pouring rain outside, so I dropped him off at his house (he lived 2 blocks away and he had walked). He invited me in and showed me around. Whenever a guy invites you in nothing pure ever comes from it; however, this time I held my ground (bravo for me!). We did makeout though, and the entire time I just kept thinking "What are you doing making out with this kid?" I just knew I could not let myself get attached to The Young'n, because nothing serious could develop, and I am looking for something serious with Mr. Right. So at that moment I just accepted that he was going to be my temporary boy toy, and I was going to enjoy his company until I was ready to dispose of him (sounds harsh but this is exactly what men do to women all the time- so fuck it!).

We saw each other several times after that, however, things got a bit more risque. But being with him was fun. He was lighthearted, playful, funny and it was nice to not have to worry about being serious. It was a good dating break I would say. I knew it needed to end when he drunk dialed me on a Friday night at 2am. I was sound asleep and my phone rang. I was barely awake when I answered and in my dreamlike state I thought it was Bachelor #13 calling (since at this point he was still stringing me along saying he wanted to see me again). I finally came to my senses and realized it was Bachelor #16 and boy was he drunk! It was flattering though, because he told me how much he liked me, how awesome I was, yada yada- it's never unpleasant hearing these things even from a drunk 25 year old at 2am. He said he and his friends were having a party and he wanted me to come over because they were going to play Kings Cup. As much as a I love that game my ass was not about to leave the warm comfort of my bed, so I told him no. He then put his friend's girlfriend on the phone to try and convince me to come over, but I still declined. I told him this bitch doesn't do booty calls. Of course he completely denied that this was a booty call, but I wasn't born yesterday Young'n!

The moral of this story is that it's ok to have a younger boy toy if you enjoy his company and he provides entertainment, but don't get attached to them because it will never work out. I successfully avoided becoming attached to him (he also had a super small winky that was definitely not proportionate to his gigantic stature, this fact also helped me not get too attached to him).