Friday, May 3, 2013

Emails of the Night

It's time for my favorite segment called "Emails of the Night."

First up courtesy of beloved8779:  "Wow you like a lot of wine. What kind of wine do you drink?"
Hmmm.... maybe I have too many photos with a wine glass in my hand? Nah...

Next up is from HopFullyYours (not sure if he just doesn't know how to spell "hopefully" or not): "In regards to career I was doing really well in my dream industry but was laid off due to over expansion. I took a risky move taking the job and it didn't pan out. Consequently I'm not where I want to be professionally but I haven't given up hope. Waiting tablesbar tending isn't glamorous but the money is good and the rent doesn't pay itself.
I love to go karaoking, traveling the world is great and was planning Europe this summer but got laid off, I still have hopes to travel to the Philippines in 2014. Living near the beach is great and enjoy my local watering hole. How do you feel about beer?"

Ummm, talking about being laid off multiple times isn't really a strong selling point, I'd like someone with a career- thanks. Oh, and I hate beer.

We have another doozey from MusicJammer01: "I would love to be your friend. I really like your synopsis. Though your words are brief, it exhbits a lot of good character, humility and hope. It speaks to the heart. I would love to start a friendship with you. Let me know how to reach out to you.

I would love to meet up with you for spanish latte, vegan chocolate cake and LaSagna that SoCal has to offer? I know just the right place for it. I hope that you will find it in your heart space to reach out and extend a friendly hand. I look forward to hearing from you.


Wow... just wow... oh yeah and he's always in his 40s- NOPE! (and he looked creepy)