Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Me

This weekend I celebrated my 1 year anniversary of being single and dodging the biggest bullet of my life. Most women would mope about, wallowing in self pity when an anniversary like this rolls around- but not me! Yes, a year later I am still single, but I have gone out with 21 guys and I've learned a hell of a lot about myself and the male species. Yes I've made mistakes, and I've gone out with a lot of unworthy guys, but everything has been a learning experience and I am a better person for it.

So to celebrate my awesome single status I went out to a fun lounge and got drinks with my 2 best friends, whom I am beyond lucky to have in my life. When you have friends like the ones I have, you can go through any shitty situation and survive it. They have been my support system for the last 20+ years and I can't imagine my life without them. I wish I could meet a man who is half as awesome as they are.

Ironically, I got 2 texts from unworthy guys who will never qualify as Bachelors. UnBachelor #1 is a guy who I was supposed to go out with over a month ago, yet he never called to make plans. He text me Saturday night and asked if I had plans, which translates into "Hey my date bailed on me and now you could be my backup plan." You don't get to ask me out for Saturday night ON Saturday night. I have a life and I am not desperate. Needless to say I just deleted his text without a response.

UnBachelor #2 is a guy who asked me out for Friday evening earlier in the week and he also never bothered to call to solidify plans. Instead, Saturday morning he text me asking me what I was up to. What am I up to? Well, I was headed to my date with Bachelor #21, I should've told him that, however, I just deleted his text as well without a reply. If you can't take 2 seconds to give me a courtesy call then I will not take 2 seconds to reply to your lame, lazy text.

The old me would have probably responded, but I have a buffet of potential Bachelors at my disposal so I no longer feel the need to waste any of my valuable time on losers.